Thanari Tango Retreat

A beautiful, relaxing retreat for body and soul in the heart of nature filled with love & Tango.

Come and spend a beautiful weekend full of laughter, dancing & community in the heart of Nature.
22. - 25. August 2024


Because time is more beautiful when shared with each other...

Delicious Food

Every year we have a yummy selection of delicious food and snacks all through the day!


What makes the time spent in the heart of nature even more special are stories told by great people around a bonfire in the nights.


During the retreat you will have the chance to dance to the best selected tandas in daily & evening Milongas in beautifully redesigned barn.

& Mornings Yoga..

Start your day being good to your body and energising yourself with stretching together in the morning sunlight.


The Thanari Kunst-Werk-Hof is located in the beautiful Prignitz exactly between Hamburg and Berlin.

It is a place for tango-, art lovers & creatives, that offers both an artistic ambience and a place for rest and relaxation.

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